Gospel Thoughts

Thoughts from my gospel doctrine class at the Cascade First Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Also, general gospel thoughts not related to any particular lesson. Subject to revision at any time.

Location: Orem, Utah, United States

Monday, November 14, 2011

Burning fires in heaven

LDS doctrine talks about living in eternal burnings in heaven. This sounds strange, as non-LDS doctrine portrays the fires of hell.

An inspiration came to me. Think about the brute person who loves to spend his time at bars. He would be very miserable, if told he must spend his time in art galleries, and never in bars. This is a secret to keeping evil spirits at bay. Concentrate your thoughts on wonderful things, like classical music concerts, a loving spouse, etc. This will scare off evil spirits.

Eternal burnings refers to the refining fire of heaven, where love and purity are as the air we breathe in mortality. The refining fire causes unclean thoughts and actions to dissipate out of us, leaving us a very loving person of everything.


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